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Bitcoin as a national currency?

Estimated reading: 1 minute 8 views
  • It depends on what part of the world you’re in…
  • In Japan, digital currency is already being used in high-tech stores such as Mediamarkt, Coolblue, etc…
  • In El Salvador, bitcoin is already recognized as the national currency!
  • In South America, for example in Argentina and Venezuela, inflation has become so high that citizens are using cryptocurrencies to pay merchants! This shows that when a country’s economy fails or can no longer play its role, alternative means must be found.
  • In Europe, as in North America, cryptocurrencies are considered risky investments due to their volatility. However, it’s clear that these assets are beginning to appeal to the European and Belgian population (over 500,000 Belgians own at least one cryptocurrency and 6.5 million in France source ADAN ).
  • In Asia, they are starting to become privileged assets, but in underdeveloped countries, the population on the poverty line still doesn’t have access to them.
  • In Africa, a few countries such as Nigeria

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Bitcoin as a national currency?

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