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How to store cryptos safely?

Estimated reading: 1 minute 54 views

Cryptocurrencies can be stored in software wallets (Rabbit, Metamask,…) and also on hardware wallets (Ledger, Trezor,…) to ensure their security online or offline.

See #SécuritéWeb3 for more information.

You can also leave them on a cryptocurrency platform like Binance, Coinbase,, SwissBorg,… to avoid handling your assets too much. Some people leave staggering amounts on platforms if you’re comfortable, that’s your worry! However, to mitigate this risk, you can transfer your assets to several platforms (binance, coinbase, kraken, etc.).

CAUTION: there is always a small percentage of risk of hacking the platform, but it will be better guarded than in your software portfolio (Rabbit, Metamask, etc.).

In absolute terms, we therefore recommend physical safes to store your cryptocurrencies, especially when you have more than 10,000 euros on a platform.

But here are the hardware portfolios we recommend:

These safes are a kind of USB stick that issue crypto IBANs where you can send your cryptocurrencies to your private addresses and protect yourself from hackers and scammers.

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